notes on "Clean Code - Functions" chapter
05 Oct 2014Main thoughts I want to remember from that chapter:
- Functions should be small. Small means up to several lines.
- Functions should have descriptive names.
- Functions should do one thing. They should do it well. They should do it only. THis means that the side effects should be as limited as possible (preferably - there should be none).
It should be possible to read the function as a “To …” sentence:
TO functionName we do something and then we do something else...
- Functions should operate on a single level of abstraction.
- switch statements should be avoided. They can probably get replaced by inheritance - if not should be hidden in a single place in such way that it won’t be necessary to create similar switch statements again.
- The smaller the number of arguments == the better. Rule of thumb: three parameters is almost always too much. One and two parametrs is acceptable.
- Don’t use arguments as a way to communicate with outer world - don’t use output parameters.
- Throw exceptions instead of returning error codes. You don’t enforce handling the error right away - it can be dealt with in a convenient place in code.
Remember: functions are not written correctly at first. Write something meeting functional requirements with TDD and then refactor mercilessly.